Sunday, May 18, 2008

When Playing Well Doesn't Matter

Yes Yes I know that bad beats are part of the game. If the chance to suckout did not exist then we wouldn't have a game.

But is it even possible to lose the last 6 overpairs to a set??

3X AA, 2X KK and a QQ was all beaten by an underpair that hit a set. Each time I was able to get my money in with the absolute best hand and having my opponent drawing to 2 outs. One hand I had AA vs JJ vs KJ. And the lone Jack hits the flop? Tell me where the justice is in that?

I have stopped playing given the utter ridiculousness of the situation. I mean 20%X20%X20%X20%X20%X20%.

There is a .000064% chance of that happening. Well it did.

Down massively but still looking good. Gotta pull myself together.....


Blogger Jino said...

Tell me about it. Last 2 days my AAs lost to QQ and then lost to 88, KK lost to 1010, and another AA splits with AJ. Sigh.

9:15 AM  

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