Friday, September 26, 2008

Taking a Break From Online

Sigh I don't know how many times I have been down this road playing online....

I was doing pretty well with a bankroll of over $1,200. That was 3 days ago.

I had gone through a very nasty swing the past few days and I saw my bankroll obliterated down to $445. I reviewed and re-reviewed my hands and I had played well! There just is so much luck in poker and Full Tilt is really feeding the fish.

Case in point, I had stopped my last session at -$275 all from losing 2 KK and 2 AA. I had exerted maximum control over this and managed to limit my losses but it still hurts like hell.

First hand KK raised on pre-flop and the flop comes 10-8-4 rainbow. I bet half pot into a guy with a lot of cash and he smooth calls. Turn 2 and I half pot again so as not to scare him and he calls again. River was an innocent Q so I bet half the pot again and he reraises me minimum. I felt he had a set so I just called and he turns over....... 4-2.

Holy shit that hand should have thrown me on tilt but I just grit my teeth and continued play. A few hands later I got AA on another table. A raise and reraise got all the money in before the flop against KK but of course a K on the flop did it for me.

AA again versus A-3 suited (but the guy was short stacked) and flop was 2-4-5. LOL. Final hand was KK versus A-10 and Ace seals it on the turn.

I have to apologize since I had promised I would try to rant less about bad beats but 3 straight days of this shit is really something worth mentioning. I'm going to try to swing my luck the other way by playing some live poker. Hopefully I won't fall asleep from playing only 1 table.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Moneybooker Problem


One major thing that keeps me going with playing online is the knowledge that I can confidently get the money that I have won. This is no longer the case and I find myself slowly drifting away from online play.

Moneybookers recently closed its doors to the Philippines without warning and has robbed me of the fastest and most efficient way of transferring funds out of my poker account. The effect on me is strange as I find myself tilting more and losing control more frequently. The money in my account, with no easy access to withdrawals, seem more like play money then real hard earned cash.

I am exploring other options such as Click2Pay but my other deadly flaw is laziness. I just can't get myself up to going through all of the trouble again.

Overall standing:

Withdrawn - $1,800
Bankroll - $1,125

Still a tidy sum considering I had started with $15 at the start of the year. Wish it could have been more though... (especially the withdrawn part)

Hopefully, the metro 2M guaranteed would get me back in the flow of things.