Thursday, August 02, 2007

Busted 3X in one night on AA!!

This just cannot be happening. I played a 100K guaranteed tournament at ACF last night and it is probably one of the worse poker sessions I have ever had.

I was running pretty good from the start and the fish were all biting. Small pocket pairs hitting the set, good pot bets against drawing hands etc. In short I had built my 5K stack to over 20K on the last level of the rebuy period.

Then tragedy struck. I was on the button and look down at AA. The guy from the cutoff raises to 3,000 and I reraise to 8,000. Action goes back to him and he calls!!! Flop comes Ad 7c 8d and I wish he got top pair or even 2 pair. He goes all-in immediately after the flop for 12,000 more and I instacall with my set. The guy had the balls to play a QdJd and the turn gave him the diamond for the flush. I had a few more outs if the board paired but it was not to be.

OK I rebuy and add-on and my 20K stack was reduced to 15K (and P2,000 less too). I play my usual mid game and was able to come back very well. I had around 60K when I ONCE AGAIN look down at AA. I raise 3X the BB and this foreigner guy calls me. The flop was K J 10. I felt weary of an AQ but it seemed doubtful since I already held both aces. I decided the pot was big enough to take and push!! He took some time, called me and showed pocket queens!!! I was way ahead with him down to 7 outs. Turn came 9 and that was it for me.

I was so frustrated and it took all of my call to say congratulations and good luck everyone. I strongly believe that poker is a gentleman's sport but my patience was being tested by busting out both time with pocket rockets.

I then saw a juicy ring game and sat down. Fish galore especially a Japanese guy to my right who kep raising to P300 every single hand. He had about a 20K stack so I made it my goal for the money to go in front of me. I managed to get my P3,000 buy-in up to around P8,000 and was feeling better from my losses when the Jap guy raises to P300 again (what else is new). I look down and see.... AA!!!

I raise to P900 and he calls me. Flop comes 9 7 2 and I knew there was no way he hit that flop. e checks and I bet P1000. He calls and the turn comes J. He checks again and I bet P2,000 then he check raises me all-in.

I stop to think... there was a possibility that he had 2 pair and J-9 was a hand he was known to play with. But then again he would have bet on the flop if that was the case. an 10-8 would give him a straight draw but with 8 outs, he would be crazy to put me on all-in. I figured he hit the Jack on the turn and was willing to gamble with top pair.

I call and turn over the rockets. He shows J-8 and I felt relieved I was right that he only had top pair. The pot was at a whopping P17,000!!!!

River 10. I forgot that he still had a gutshot straight draw which gave him 7 outs instead of 3. I wanted to vomit but gathered my resolve, smiled and said "good hand".

I think I am now traumatized by the pocket rockets. Last 7 hands and counting where I had the rockets it was cracked and had cost me the game. Each and everytime I had gotten all my money with the best hand and my opponent stuck at 7 outs or less... and each and everytime I have lost.

Currently reading Harry Potter and I am strongly wondering if pocket rockets are cursed for me.

Thanks for reading


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